This book is the first edition of "Trading Up". This book is the original trim size of 6"x9" (as opposed to the second edition that can be bought separatley, which is in the trim size 5.25"x8").
What is "Trading Up"? To trade means "to make an exchange of one thing for another," so to Trade Up means to Trade something for something of greater value or price. There are many ways you can Trade Up certain aspects of your life. You are in the driver's seat of your life outcomes. You may or may not have control over certain situations, but you can always control how you react to life. Trading Up will help you make the best of all situations, especially the hard or unfortunate ones.You have an ongoing opportunity to Trade Up your old Balance/Lifestyle, Relationships, Habits, Assets, Mindset, Health, Education, and Beliefs throughout your lifelong journey, especially while reading this book. Allow yourself to use these principles to improve, to Trade Up. Become okay with the fact that you will need to Trade In your old Balance/Lifestyle, Relationships, Habits, Assets, Mindset, Health, Education, and Beliefs to gain new ones. It is essential to sacrifice old things-Trading In-to receive even better things-Trading Up. This improvement process is not to be mistaken for Trading Down, to Trade for something of lower value or price. Educate yourself about the difference through every example and principle covered in this book so you can always come out on top, having Traded Up. The intention of these Trading Up principles is to become the best you can be while creating the best well-rounded life you possibly can. Stipulation: Trading Up will help people who want to make changes, want more in life, and want to be better off. It's not easy. Maybe you aren't quite sure where to start. Perhaps you already tried, but it didn't pan out as you expected, so it's hard to stay motivated. Don't worry. We are all different, have different starting points, and move at a different pace. That's okay, as long as we start, then keep moving. The things you want are available if you seek them. The best place to start is where you are today. Trading Up is a process. It can take a lifetime to master, but you will see results all along the way. The sky can literally be the limit to your success if you put in consistent effort. Trading Up won't work for everyone - only for those committed and willing to put in the necessary effort. After reading this book, the ball will be in your court for you to put in the hours, energy, and time it will undoubtedly take to Trade Up your Balance/Lifestyle, Relationships, Habits, Assets, Mindset, Health, Education, Beliefs, and ultimately, your life.