Searching for evidence of superhuman abilities was always difficult, but when you add in the constant failure to find anything tangible, mounting debt and a failed marriage, it's no wonder that you become cynical and disbelieving. But Elizabeth changed all that at a stroke, or rather a touch.With so many charlatans at work it was no wonder that the story of a young girl, who could foretell the manner of the death of any person she touches, was outlandish to say the least. But that was what was laid at my door. It was my last chance to prove something and sell the book I had ill advisedly taken a $20,000 advance for. The problem I had was that neither she nor her father had any desire for her talents to be seen by the outside world, far less to have me write about them in a book for everyone to read.So that is my dilemma. I know what she can do and want to make my fortune from it. She knows what she can do and doesn't want to be exploited in any way. Elizabeth is my last hope to produce something meaningful with my life. I can see it and almost touch it, but how do I stop it from slipping through my grasp?.