Cavities are areas on the tough surface of your tooth that have been damage. Cavities frequently develop into tiny holes or openings at the teeth and may be brought about due to several factors. This circumstance is also referred to as tooth decay or caries.
Cavities are one of the most oral issues. They are pretty common across all age group, starting from youngsters and teens to older adults.
In this book, you'll learn:
How a healthy pregnancy affects your child's oral healthThe dental development at every stageHow to prevent tooth decay and gum diseaseWhat to expect at your child's dental visitHome care instructions & nutritional counselingHelpful tips to wean your child from harmful habitsCommon dental concernsWhat to do in a dental emergencyTooth rot is the harm that happen to your teeth, which can conceivably result in cavities, dental abscesses or even tooth is brought about by exercises of specific types of microorganisms that can live in dental plague.the microbes in plague can change over the sugar present in your food into acids.if plague is permitted to develop additional time these acids can start to harm your teeth.this is the reason acceptable oral cleanliness is an indispensable piece of forestalling tooth decay.