Young widow Cecilia Summers is about to embark on her second marriage to an unexciting but kind suitor. Cecilia's sister-in-law, Emmeline, is surprised and dismayed at her own attraction to a predatory rake, an affair with whom leads Emmeline to a violent and tragic act. Acclaimed...
Cecilia, capricious and unable to love, inches reluctantly towards a second marriage to the kind, passionless Julian Tower. Meanwhile, her sister-in-law, Emmeline, is surprised to find the calm tenor of her life disturbed by her attraction to the predatory Mark Linkwater...
Young widow Cecilia Summers is about to embark on her second marriage to an unexciting but kind suitor. Cecilia's sister-in-law, Emmeline, is surprised and dismayed at her own attraction to a predatory rake, an affair with whom leads Emmeline to a violent and tragic act. Acclaimed...