This book features 100 pages of timed calculations that will help your child become a little math expert at his or her skill level. When young students sit down at their desks to complete timed exercises, they hone their speed of execution and their ability to perform an operation-skills that will stay with them for the rest of their lives.This book features 100 pages of timed exercises designed to strengthen your child's math skills. By participating in these exercises, youngsters improve their speed of execution and their ability to perform mental arithmetic vertical operations.This book includes: - Over 700 mental arithmetic operations and 160 addition vertical operations from 2-5 digits.- Over 280 mental arithmetic operations and 144 subtraction vertical operations of 2-5 digits.- More than 2 200 mental arithmetic operations and 240 of 2 - 3-digit multiplication vertical operations.- More than 200 mental arithmetic operations and 120 division vertical operations with 1-3 digits.