A simple description of the habitat, physical characteristics, life cycle, and eating habits of tigers, the biggest of the big cats.
This book introduces readers to the unique features of tigers. Basic information is covered, such as habitat, life cycle, range, diet and threats. Table of contents, map, interesting facts, glossary, and index are included. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state...
This title introduces tigers by examining what they look like, where they can be found, what they like to eat, and what makes them so strong. This title is a Level 1 and is written specifically for beginning readers. Aligned to Common Core Standards & correlated to state standards...
Did you know that the tiger is one type of cat that likes to swim? Readers will discover this and more in this fascinating title! Bold colors, engaging text, and oversized photos introduce readers to the tiger's body structure, hunting methods, eating habits, social behavior,...