Here at ThriftBooks we have bibliophiles in spades, and we have some home chefs too! Posing the question ‘What is your favorite cookbook?’ to our staff turned up some fantastic selections. From beginners to grilling experts, check out our staff’s favorite cookbooks. Who knows more about books than ThriftBooks?
When diets developed for certain populations or conditions go viral and become fads overnight, unintended chaos can ensue and create challenging fallout for the originally intended group. It can feel like suddenly being surrounded by decoys and finding yourself in a bad TV game show called "Will the Real Celiac Please Stand Up?" We zeroed in on a few 'fad' diets that are actually lifestyles, including gluten-free, vegan, and keto, and came up with some interesting pros, cons, and effects of their mainstream surge in popularity. (And found some excellent guides, cookbooks, and other resources a lot of you will want to put in your carts!)