Journey to the Ottoman Empire's dark heart in this second novel of the Saga of the Dracula Brothers series. In "Throne of Blood," stakes get higher, danger gets closer, and someone's time runs out.
Three Transylvanian spies denying their powers strive to survive behind enemy lines. But between harem intrigue, deadly secrets, and bad luck, the end is near. They rely on each other to survive, but when fate turns against them, their dreaded magic may be their last hope.
In Throne of Blood, dark medieval history blends with Transylvanian folklore into a gripping adventure that will keep you on the edge of your seat. If stories of undaunted underdogs fighting terrifying odds turn you on, "Throne of Blood" is your kind of book.
Join Vlad the Impaler confronting his destiny. Read "Throne of Blood" to fall under the spell of a magical world where intrigue, magic, and courage collide.