Newly repackaged, three plays by Federico Garc a Lorca
UNA NUEVA MANERA, NICA Y EMOCIONANTE, DE LEER A GARC A LORCA, POR LA ACLAMADA AUTORA DE FEDERICO Primer Premio al Libro Mejor Editado en 2022 de la categor a Obras Generales y de Divulgaci n que otorga el Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte de Espa a.
Blood Wedding. Concerned with love that cannot become marriage among the primitive hill people of Castile, this is a play of the workings of tremendous passions and tribal ritual toward an inescapable tragic end. Yerma. "The whole tragic burden of Yerma is measured by the deepening...
La "Triolog a Lorquiana Teatral", est formada por la tres mejores obras teatrales de Federico Garc a Lorca: Bodas de sangre (1933), Yerma (1934) y La casa de Bernarda Alba (1936).Son sin duda alguna las m s conocidas y grandes obras dram ticas de Federico Garc a Lorca.Check...
In The House of Bernarda Alba, a tyrannical matriarch rules over her house and five daughters, cruelly crushing their hopes and needs. The other plays here also portray female characters whose desires are tragically and violently frustrated: a woman's longing for a child...
Newly repackaged, three plays by Federico Garca Lorca In these three plays, Federico Garca Lorca's acknowledged masterpieces, he searched for a contemporary mode of tragedy and reminded his audience that dramatic poetryor poetic dramadepends less on formal convention that on...
In recognition of the 50th anniversary of Lorca's death, here is the definitive edition of the three best-known plays of the master of 20th-century Spanish theatre. These brilliant translations capture all the intense power and beauty of the originals.
La edici n de esta obra es diferenciada porque incluye una biograf a del autor realizada por mi persona, m s una selecci n de fotograf as sobre su vida y sus diferentes etapas. Mybook Agradece a Amazon KDP su requerimiento que me hiciera para agregar contenidos y criterios propios...