Thrawn Janet is a short story written by the renowned Scottish author, Robert Louis Stevenson. The story is set in a small Scottish village and revolves around a young man named Archibald, who is sent to work as a clerk for the local minister. Archibald is a sensitive and impressionable...
Thrawn Janet is a short story written by Robert Louis Stevenson. The story follows the character of a young man named Archie Weir, who has been sent to work as a shepherd in the Scottish countryside. While there, he becomes acquainted with a woman named Thrawn Janet, who is known...
Thrawn Janet is a short horror story written by Robert Louis Stevenson, the author of the classic novel Treasure Island. The story is set in Scotland and follows the protagonist, a young minister named Mr. Soulis, who is sent to a remote parish to replace the previous minister...
Thrawn Janet is a short story written by Robert Louis Stevenson, originally published in 1881. The story is set in a small Scottish village, where the locals are deeply superstitious and believe in the existence of witches and other supernatural beings. The protagonist, a young...