Lyn and Pippa continue the quest they consented to undertake in the alternate world of Albion Magna to track down codes hidden in the pussies of stolen thralmaids, who once energised Thaumaturgist Viktor Wolff's inter-dimensional pentacle gateway, which has now been locked against him.
Wolff body-morphs Pippa into a pretty "pussygirl" thrall pet, so she can enter a girl cattery and recover one of the codes. Inside, Pippa is subjected to harsh discipline at the hands of its proprietors and staff. If she fails in her mission, she might remain a pussygirl for ever!
Meanwhile, rival Mage Giles Durand, who secretly masterminded Wolff's banishment, has transported Hannah, Roz, Lydia and Megan - attractive and sporty British women - to Albion Magna. Here he subjects them to a series of public demonstrations in an arena of pain, degradation and sexual extremis, to promote his new system of female mental mastery and subjugation. If Durand succeeds, it could turn every woman in Albion into a perfect and unquestioning sexual submissive!
Lyn is sent after another missing pentacle girl, now in the possession of writer Marjory Langland. In the process, she learns what it is like to make compulsory (and very humiliating) donations at an official Essence Extraction Clinic. Here naked free women are restrained and mechanically masturbated into delivering their quotas of the vital "essence" that powers Albion society. Lyn also encounters the sinister "Restorers", who want the women of Albion Magna to enjoy even less freedom than they do now!