"Thoughts for Young Men," by J. C. Ryle, is a short yet passionate appeal that, a hundred years after it was written, remains relevant for today. Replete with warnings, exhortations, and instruction about this life's many trials, temptations, and common pitfalls, Ryle's classic...
Biblical, Timeless, Practical Advice for Young Men *Top 100 Amazon Best Seller* Named one of the "20 Best Christian Books for Men" by TheBlazingCenter.com. "J. C. Ryle was] one of the most respected figures in the entire history of Evangelical...
John Charles Ryle (1816-1900), the first Bishop of Liverpool. Ryle was a strong supporter of the evangelical school and a critic of Ritualism. He was a writer, pastor and an evangelical preacher. This is a classic book for young people who want to grow in their Christian faith...
Thoughts for Young Men is a book written by J.C. Ryle that contains his advice on how to lead a proper Christian life. This is a great read for young Christians on how to avoid certain temptations and pitfalls. J.C. Ryle was the first Anglican bishop of Liverpool and a strong...
Complete edition of Thoughts For Young Men by J.C. Ryle. Written for all men at all times, Ryle challenges and inspires serious readers to grow in the Lord in this short and powerful guide. An exposition starting with Titus...
Thoughts for Young Men is a work by J. C. Ryle now brought to you in this new edition of the timeless classic.
Though published more than a century ago, Bishop J. C. Ryle's book to help young men grow in grace and truth remains relevant today. Written in an easy-to-read style, Thoughts for Young Men will provide encouragement and practical advice for young men, struggling to come of age...
Thoughts for Young Men was originally published in 1888 as a chapter in The Upper Room, and it has become a minor spiritual classic in its own right. It has few equals among the all-too-short list of solid Christian books for young men. Ryle's insights were derived from more...
If your great aim in life is to grow and be bold in your walk with the Lord, this masterful compilation "Thoughts for Young Men" by J. C. Ryle will open your eyes, challenge your mind, and convict your heart. Filled with a spirit of graciousness, JC Ryle offers heartfelt advice...
There are four great temptations that plague most young men: sloth, lust, love of pleasure, and peer pressure. J.C. Ryle -- the last of the great Puritans -- tackles each of these subjects with a tenderness and tact which is unsurpassed. Originally written toward the end of the...