"In this witty, wise picture book, Boelts presents a kid's-eye view of a consumer fad that rages through school at gale force." -- Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books (starred review) All Jeremy wants is a pair of those shoes, the ones everyone at...
"In this witty, wise picture book, Boelts presents a kid's-eye view of a consumer fad that rages through school at gale force." -- Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books (starred review) Sue o con esos zapatos.
Altos, negros. Dos franjas...
"In this witty, wise picture book, Boelts presents a kid's-eye view of a consumer fad that rages through school at gale force." -- Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books (starred review) Sue o con esos zapatos.
Altos, negros. Dos franjas...
Overview "In this witty, wise picture book, Boelts presents a kid's-eye view of a consumer fad that rages through school at gale force." -- Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books (starred review) All Jeremy wants is a pair of those shoes, the ones everyone at school seems...