The condition is caused by compression of the nerves and blood vessels in the thoracic outlet, which is the opening between the lower part of the neck and the upper part of the chest. Symptoms of thoracic outlet syndrome can include tingling and numbness in the arms, as well as discomfort in the shoulders.
The thoracic outlet is a small area that may be found between the upper rib and the collarbone. Along with the nerves and blood arteries that travel down your arm, the muscles that run from your neck to your shoulder are included in this structure. It's possible to have pain and other symptoms if anything is pressing on your nerves.
Several things can cause compression in the thoracic outlet, including muscle tension, bone spurs, an extra rib, or a tight band of tissue. Thoracic outlet syndrome can occur in both men and women, but it is more common in women. Treatment for thoracic outlet syndrome may include surgery, medication, or physical therapy.
Several different stretches and exercises can also be done to help relieve the symptoms of thoracic outlet syndrome. These exercises can help to improve the range of motion, increase blood flow, and reduce muscle tension.