The 7th and final volume in Jeffrey Archer's New York Times bestselling Clifton Chronicles series brings the epic saga of the Clifton family's love, loss, and ambition to a dazzling conclusion. Harry Clifton's story began in 1920, as a dock worker in England, and now he is set...
The rip-roaring story of baseball's most unlikely champions, featuring interviews with Henry Aaron, Bob Uecker and other members of the Milwaukee Braves, Bushville Wins takes you to a time and place baseball and the Heartland will never forget.
From #1 New York Times bestselling author Jeffrey Archer comes This Was a Man. The sweeping saga of the Cliftons--across generations, from Europe to America, through heartache and rivalry and triumph--is about to reach its stunning conclusion. Harry Clifton's story began in 1920,...
This Was a Man opens with a shot being fired, but who pulled the trigger, and who lives and who dies?
In Whitehall, Giles Barrington discovers the truth about his wife Karin from the Cabinet Secretary. Is she a spy or a pawn in a larger game?
Ett skott g?r av, men vem h?ller i pistolen? Vem kommer att d? och vem ?verlever? I Whitehall f?r Giles Barrington reda p? en fruktansv?rd sanning om sin fru, men viktigaste fr?gan kvarst?r - ?r hon en spion eller bara en oskyldig ?sk?dare? Harry Clifton inleder sitt st?rsta...