Marriage is an institution that produces great challenges, and once you are in it, these challenges are inescapable. The impact of these challenges, negative or positive, can oftentimes be determined by the decisions made before marriage happens. In Think Again before You Say "I Do," author Leon Bogle discusses many of these issues that need to be addressed before entering into marriage.
Bogle shares some of his personal experiences-ones that can help you avoid some of the pitfalls many have encountered because they didn't make the right decisions or have the necessary discussions before getting married. Written from a Christian perspective, with the Bible as its primary reference, this guide shows the importance of talking about everything from religion to finances, personal likes and dislikes, child rearing, and more.
Think Again before You Say "I Do" communicates that meaningful discussions provide a road map for the future. When positive dialogue takes place and the individuals honor the agreements arrived at through those conversations, then the couple is more likely to experience the true joys of marriage.