THINGS HIDDEN: Scripture as Spirituality, Richard Rohr (2008). Franciscan prophet and teacher Richard Rohr is a mystic rather than a systematic theologian: indeed he believes `systematizing' theology runs the risk of doing it violence and missing the point: theology is to be experienced in a life of faith, hope and love, not organized into creeds. Is he `evangelical'? I would say `yes' though he doesn't use the term of himself:...
This book was one of the best I have read. It lead me on a spiritual journey while it educated me in scripture. It was engaging and thought provoking. Although not an easy read it continued to draw me in a paragraph, a page and a chapter at a time. Highly recommend.
Lucid, profound insights into what passages of scripture really contribute to our understanding of spiritual growth. A remarkable treatise from one of the leading retreat leaders of the church.
Father Rohr is a "friend" since his early Charismatic days in the mid - 1970's by way of cassette tapes. It is greatly affirming and comforting for me that his journey, though clearly more elevated than my own, never the less unfolds within the same general landscape. This is another wonderful book by Father Rohr.
Toward the end of his marvelous Things Hidden, Richard Rohr tells an equally marvelous story. Parents bring home a newly-born baby. Their 4-year-old daughter insists on speaking to her new sibling--alone, she insists. The amused parents leave, but stand at the doorway for easy eavesdropping. Their daughter gets close to the infant and urgently whispers: "Quick! Tell me where we came from and why we're here. I'm beginning...