Victoria Kingston's engaging and informative biography of one of America's most popular duets is a seminal history of the Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel collaboration. Victoria Kingson has created a biographical work of painstaking attention to detail and accuracy. Candid, comprehensive, insightful and poignant, Simon & Garfunkel: The Biography is a "must read" for all Paul Simon & Art Garfunkel fans, and a very highly...
I have been a fan of Simon & Garfunkel since about 7th grade when a teacher played the song Silent Night / 6 O'Clock News. It hit me that some one very talented put those two things together and I wanted to hear more of their music. This book took me back to the feelings I had when hearing a S & G song for the first time. I read the book in two days; it was hard to put down. Kingston interpreted many of the meanings...
Since our species first discovered that the application of fire enhances the taste of food we have been cooking. No doubt, soon thereafter, one of our primitive ancestors asked another how they prepared their saber-toothed tiger that made it taste so different and special. Thus the passing on of recipes began...