What is in a personal name? Identity . . . Location . . . Family . . .
History is littered with names of the infamous and names of the memorable. A greater category is The Nameless.
She was a woman of wealth and affluence. She had prestige and a sterling reputation. Her godly husband was a city elder and chief magistrate of the region. He was also one of the world's wisest men. She was mother to three beautiful daughters, all eligible for marriage. Her seven sons and seven daughters-in-love were obeying the First Commandment: be fruitful and multiply
She and her daughters were entrepreneurs. Even in the enlightened age in which they lived, "women were to tend to their households, not business." Everything was perfect until . . .
That day started like most other days . . . a soft knock on the bedroom door signaling morning meal was ready. As she and her husband ate, their conversation centered round the birthday celebration at the home of their firstborn son and his family. She so enjoyed the times when all family members, big or small, were together. A morning prayer of thanks to Creator God, and she and her husband began another full day of activity.
That day . . . she will always remember.
That day . . . her heart was shattered into a million pieces.
That day . . . changed the rest of her life.
Nameless? Not to Creator God.
Ignored? By most of history.
Misunderstood? Definitely
Reader, I introduce you to our main character.
"Hello. They Call Me MRS. Job"
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