Introduce diversity and social-emotional learning to elementary students through a wide array of culturally relevant, quality children's literature. This valuable resource shares recommendations for books that explore race, ethnicity, gender, (dis)ability, religion, and more. The authors pair activities with book suggestions to promote healthy self-affirmation, self-assertion, and conflict resolution so students learn how their actions impact others.
Gain a basic understanding of social-emotional learning and concepts. Discover why literature is an effective tool for conveying diversity issues and social-emotional concepts. Engage young students with literature and activities to help them understand complex issues. Integrate literature from a vast array of diverse groups into classroom learning to broaden cultural understanding. Create an environment in which students can learn, process, and celebrate cultural differences.Contents:
Section I: Using Diverse and Culturally Relevant Children's Literature for Social-Emotional Development
Chapter 1: Developing Social-Emotional Skills in Young Children
Chapter 2: Using Diverse and Culturally Relevant Literature
Section II: Affirming Others and Self and Asserting Self Through Diverse and Culturally Relevant Literature
Chapter 3: Affirming Others
Chapter 4: Affirming Self
Chapter 5: Asserting Self
Section III: Dealing With Aggression and Conflict Through Diverse and Culturally Relevant Literature
Chapter 6: Responding to Aggression
Chapter 7: Playing and Working Cooperatively With Others
Chapter 8: Questioning Unfair Practices
Appendix: Integration of Digital Media
References and Resources