The chilling debut mystery in the Brighton Mysteries series from Edgar Allen Poe Award-winner Elly Griffiths--author of the Ruth Galloway Mysteries--about a band of magicians who served together in World War II tracking a killer who's performing their deadly tricks.
One of Entertainment Weekly 's 10 Great Fall Thrillers "Clever, immensely likeable...Captivating." -- The Wall Street Journal In the first installment of a compelling new series by Elly Griffiths featuring Detective Inspector Edgar Stephens and the magnificent Max Mephisto, a...
In the first installment of a compelling new series by Elly Griffiths, a band of magicians who served together in World War II track a killer who s performing their deadly tricks."
One of Entertainment Weekly's 10 Great Fall Thrillers"Clever, immensely likeable...Captivating." --The Wall Street Journal In the first installment of a compelling new series by Elly Griffiths featuring Detective Inspector Edgar Stephens and the magnificent Max Mephisto, a band...
One of Entertainment Weekly's 10 Great Fall Thrillers"Clever, immensely likeable...Captivating." --The Wall Street Journal In the first installment of a compelling new series by Elly Griffiths featuring Detective Inspector Edgar Stephens and the magnificent Max Mephisto, a band...