In this prequel to The Black Stallion, we learn the story of the Black before he was shipwrecked with Alec Ramsay. Born in the mountain stronghold of Sheikh Abu Ishak, the colt shows great promise. During a band of robbers' attempt to steal him, the colt escapes and learns to...
In this prequel to The Black Stallion, we learn the story of the Black before he was shipwrecked with Alec Ramsay. Born in the mountain stronghold of Sheikh Abu Ishak, the colt shows great promise. During a band of robbers attempt to steal him, the colt escapes and learns to...
Born in the mountain stronghold of an Arabian sheik, the Black Stallion is a horse unlike any other. Big, beautiful, and savage, he has courage in his heart and fire in his eyes. When the Black is threatened by a band of raiders attempting to kidnap him, he escapes into the wilderness,...
In 1671, Dutch diplomat and scientist Nicolaes Witsen published a book that served, among other things, as an encyclopedia for the "shell-first" method of ship construction. In the centuries since, Witsen's rather convoluted text has also become a valuable source for insights...