Dive into the timeless wisdom of Edith Wharton's "The Writing of Fiction," a must-read for aspiring writers, literary enthusiasts, and fans of Wharton's work. This edition is enhanced with a thought-provoking introduction by acclaimed literary scholar Thomas Clarke and includes...
A rare work of nonfiction from Edith Wharton, The Writing of Fiction contains timeless advice on writing and reading well from the first woman ever to win a Pulitzer Prize--now with a new introduction by Brandon Taylor. In 1921, Edith Wharton won a Pulitzer...
Edith Wharton is renowned for her nonfiction work "The writing of Fiction" and provides classic guidance on Writing and reading. Wharton was the very first female to win, in fact, a Pulitzer Prize with this particular book becoming a rare nonfiction piece. It features a new...
A rare work of nonfiction from Edith Wharton, The Writing of Fiction contains brilliant advice on writing from the first woman ever to win a Pulitzer Prize -- for her first novel The Age of Innocence. In The Writing of Fiction, Wharton provides general comments on the roots of...