Originally an influential memo Vogler wrote for Walt Disney Animation executives regarding The Lion King, The Writer's Journey details a twelve-stage, myth-inspired method that has galvanized Hollywood's treatment of cinematic storytelling. A format that once seldom deviated...
The udated and revised third edition provides new insights and observations from Vogler's ongoing work on mythology's influence on stories, movies, and man himself. The previous two editons of this book have sold over 180,000 units, making this book a 'classic' for screenwriters,...
Originally an influential memo Vogler wrote for Walt Disney Animation executives regarding The Lion King, The Writer's Journey details a twelve-stage, myth-inspired method that has galvanized Hollywood's treatment of cinematic storytelling. A format that once seldom deviated...
Provides new insights and observations from Vogler's pioneering work in mythic structure for writers.
The Writer's Journey is a guide to the patterns of mythology that lie nestled in all narrative writing. Based upon the work of Joseph Campbell, it offers the reader a set of useful myth-inspired storytelling paradigms and step-by-step guidelines to plot and character development...