The Wood Pigeons And Mary is a children's book written by Mary Louisa Molesworth in 1901. The story revolves around a young girl named Mary who loves to watch the wood pigeons that live in the trees outside her window. One day, she discovers that the pigeons have built a nest...
The Wood Pigeons and Mary is a children's book written by Mary Louisa Molesworth and originally published in 1901. The story follows a young girl named Mary who lives in the countryside and befriends a pair of wood pigeons. She spends her days observing the birds and learning...
"Mary is crying," said Mr Coo. "No " replied Mrs Coo. But Mr Coo said again- "Mary is crying," and though Mrs Coo repeated- "No " she knew by the way he held his head on one side and looked at her, that he was very much in earnest indeed. I must tell you that when Mrs Coo said...
...all again. Still, on the whole, Mary cared the most for Twitter of her three little cousins. She was certainly the cleverest, and the most ready to understand what had come to be called "Miss Mary's fancifulness." Perhaps, as I have spoken of the children as her cousins, I...
The Wood Pigeons and Mary is a children's book written by Mary Louisa Molesworth and first published in 1901. The story follows a young girl named Mary who lives in a small village surrounded by woods. Mary is fascinated by the wood pigeons that live in the trees near her home...
"The Wood-Pigeons and Mary" is a heartwarming children's story written by Mrs. Molesworth. The tale revolves around a young girl named Mary, who develops a special bond with a pair of wood-pigeons. Mary lives in a charming countryside cottage surrounded by a picturesque garden...
"Mary is crying," said Mr Coo. "No " replied Mrs Coo. But Mr Coo said again- "Mary is crying," and though Mrs Coo repeated- "No " she knew by the way he held his head on one side and looked at her, that he was very much in earnest indeed. I must tell you that when Mrs Coo said...
"The Wood-Pigeons and Mary" is a delightful story written by means of Mrs. Molesworth, a prolific English author of kid's literature in the past due 19th and early twentieth centuries. The narrative facilities around a charming interaction between Mary, a younger protagonist,...