L. Frank Baum's work is universally celebrated and The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is known worldwide, in particular for its 1939 musical film adaptation starring Judy Garland as Dorothy. Published in 1900, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz depicted the young farm girl Dorothy and her pet...
When a tornado rips through Kansas, Dorothy and her dog, Toto, are whisked away in their house to the magical land of Oz. They follow the Yellow Brick Road toward the Emerald City to meet the Wizard, and en route they meet a Scarecrow that needs a brain, a Tin Man missing a heart,...
Dorothy's little house goes for a wild ride, whisking her and her dog Toto to a land of munchkins, talking lions and emerald cities With a crew of misfit friends by her side (a Scarecrow who needs a brain, a Tin Man with a rusty heart and a Cowardly Lion who roars like a kitten),...
Dorothy's little house goes for a wild ride, whisking her and her dog Toto to a land of munchkins, talking lions and emerald cities With a crew of misfit friends by her side (a Scarecrow who needs a brain, a Tin Man with a rusty heart and a Cowardly Lion who roars like a kitten),...