The three works collected in this volume, all written in 1924, explore the profound effects on protagonists who embark on psychological voyages of liberation. In St Mawr, Lou Witt buys a beautiful, untamable bay stallion and discovers an intense affinity with the horse that she...
During his lifetime Lawrence was best known as a novelist, but with the passage of time his true genius is located more and more by ordinary readers and critics in his short stories and novellas. In 'The Woman who Rode Away' a woman's religious quest in Mexico brings great danger...
She had thought that this marriage, of all marriages, would be an adventure. Not that the man himself was exactly magical to her. A little, wiry, twisted fellow, twenty years older than herself, with brown eyes and greying hair, who had come to America a scrap of a wastrel, from...
The thirteen short stories in this volume were written between 1924 and 1928, and are set in Europe and America. Eleven were collected in The Woman Who Rode Away (1928), though 'The Man Who Loved Islands' appeared in the American edition only and the other two in The Lovely Lady...
The Woman Who Rode Away And Other Stories (+Biography and Bibliography) (Matte Cover Finish): This is the first volume of Lawrence's collected short stories. It contains thirteen tales set in both England and America, including "The Rocking-Horse Winner," Lawrence's most popular...
She had thought that this marriage, of all marriages, would be an adventure. Not that the man himself was exactly magical to her. A little, wiry, twisted fellow, twenty years older than herself, with brown eyes and greying hair, who had come to America a scrap of a wastrel, from...
She had thought that this marriage, of all marriages, would be an adventure. Not that the man himself was exactly magical to her. A little, wiry, twisted fellow, twenty years older than herself, with brown eyes and greying hair, who had come to America a scrap of a wastrel, from...
She had thought that this marriage, of all marriages, would be an adventure. Not that the man himself was exactly magical to her. A little, wiry, twisted fellow, twenty years older than herself, with brown eyes and greying hair, who had come to America a scrap of a wastrel, from...
She had thought that this marriage, of all marriages, would be an adventure. Not that the man himself was exactly magical to her. A little, wiry, twisted fellow, twenty years older than herself, with brown eyes and greying hair, who had come to America a scrap of a wastrel, from...
This is the first volume of Lawrence's collected short stories. It contains thirteen tales set in both England and America, including "The Rocking-Horse Winner", Lawrence's most popular short story.We are happy to announce this classic book. Many of the books in our collection...
This is the first volume of Lawrence's collected short stories. It contains thirteen tales set in both England and America, including "The Rocking-Horse Winner", Lawrence's most popular short story
The Woman Who Rode Away And Other Stories by David Herbert Lawrence This is the first volume of Lawrence's collected short stories. It contains thirteen tales set in both England and America, including "The Rocking-Horse Winner", Lawrence's most popular short story. We are delighted...
The Woman Who Rode Away And Other Stories (+Biography and Bibliography) (Glossy Cover Finish): This is the first volume of Lawrence's collected short stories. It contains thirteen tales set in both England and America, including "The Rocking-Horse Winner," Lawrence's most popular...