The Woman At The Well is a book written by Dale Evans Rogers, which tells the story of the encounter of Jesus with a Samaritan woman at a well in the Bible. The book is a retelling of the biblical story, exploring the themes of forgiveness, redemption, and the transformative...
The Woman At The Well is a religious book written by Dale Evans Rogers. The book is based on the story of the woman at the well, as told in the Bible's Gospel of John. The story follows a Samaritan woman who meets Jesus at a well and has a life-changing conversation with him...
The Woman At The Well is a novel written by Dale Evans Rogers, an American actress, singer, and writer. The book tells the story of a woman named Sarah, who is struggling with a troubled past and a difficult present. She feels lost and alone, and turns to alcohol to numb her...
The Woman At The Well is a book written by Dale Evans Rogers, which is now available in a large print edition. The book is a retelling of the story of the woman at the well from the Bible's Gospel of John. The story follows the encounter between Jesus and a Samaritan woman at...
The Woman At The Well is a book written by Dale Evans Rogers. It is a Christian fiction novel that tells the story of the Samaritan woman from the Bible who met Jesus at a well in Samaria. The book explores the woman's life and her encounter with Jesus, which changed her life...