The multimillion-copy bestselling story of Wicked comes full circle in The Witch of Maracoor, the final installment of Gregory Maguire's Another Day series Following a confrontation with her reclusive great-grandfather, the onetime Wizard of Oz, Rainary...
The "enchanting" (EW) conclusion to the Another Day series from the New York Times bestselling author of Wicked, the multimillion-copy bestseller and basis for the Tony Award-winning hit musical, soon to be a major motion picture starring Cynthia Erivo and Ariana Grande. Following...
The multimillion-copy bestselling story of Wicked comes full circle in The Witch of Maracoor, the final installment of Gregory Maguire's Another Day series. Following a confrontation with her reclusive great-grandfather, the one-time Wizard of Oz, Rainary Ko--the granddaughter...
The multimillion-copy bestselling story of Wicked comes full circle in The Witch of Maracoor, the final installment of Gregory Maguire's Another Day series. Following a confrontation with her reclusive great-grandfather, the one-time Wizard of Oz, Rainary Ko--the granddaughter...