Gary Paulsen's Newbery Honor Book The Winter Room joins the Scholastic Gold line, with bonus content Two brothers, one family, and an unexpected secret revealed on the cold night of winter... Following the turn of the seasons, eleven-year-old...
The winter room is where Eldon, his brother Wayne, old Uncle David, and the rest of the family gather on icy cold nights, sitting in front of the stove. There the boys listen eagerly to all of Uncle David's tales of superheroes.
Then one night Uncle David tells the story,...
Gary Paulsen's Newbery Honor Book The Winter Room joins the Scholastic Gold line, with bonus content! Two brothers, one family, and an unexpected secret revealed on the cold night of winter... Following the turn of the seasons, eleven-year-old Eldon...
The winter room is where Eldon, his brother Wayne, old Uncle David, and the rest of the family gather on icy cold nights, sitting in front of the stove. There the boys listen eagerly to all of Uncle David's tales of superheroes.Then one night Uncle David tells the story, The...
Three-time Newbery Honor-winner Gary Paulsen presents a moving story of two brothers who discover the truth behind their elderly uncle's heroic stories. Paulsen never disappoints, and proves his talent again in this remarkably good tale.--Publishers Weekly.