Susan Wiggs's Lakeshore Chronicles series has captivated thousands of readers with its relatable characters, warm humor and engaging stories. Return to the tranquil shores of Willow Lake with this story of uncovering the past and finding somewhere to belong. On...
On the longest night of the year, Jenny Majesky loses everything in a devastating house fire. But among the ashes she finds an unusual treasure hidden amid her grandfather's belongings, one that starts her on a search for the truth, and on a path toward a life that she never...
Susan Wiggs's Lakeshore Chronicles series has captivated thousands of readers with its relatable characters, warm humor and engaging stories. Return to the tranquil shores of Willow Lake with this story of uncovering the past and finding somewhere to belong. On the longest night...
On the longest night of the year, Jenny Majesky loses everything in a devastating house fire. But among the ashes she finds an unusual treasure hidden amid her grandfather's belongings, one that starts her on a search for the truth, and on a path toward a life that she never...