In England, 1923, The Honorable Daisy Dalrymple has made a decision that, while shocking to her class, is in perfect keeping with the spirit of the times. Rather than live with relatives until she marries, she has decided to make her own living with her writing. Her series of...
Daisy arrives at gloomy Occles Hall in Cheshire in 1923, meeting her former schoolchum, Bobbie Parslow, and the thorny mistress of the manor, Lady Valeria. While taking pictures around the grounds, Daisy stumbles upon the body of the missing parlor maid. As the dead woman's shocking...
In this second installment of Carola Dunn's stylish and cozy mystery series set in 1923 England, plucky Daisy Dalrymple embarks on another assignment for Town and Country magazine and discovers that daffodil bulbs aren't all that's buried in a country estate's flower bed.The...
Daisy arrives at gloomy Occles Hall in Cheshire in 1923, meeting her former schoolchum, Bobbie Parslow, and the thorny mistress of the manor, Lady Valeria. While taking pictures around the grounds, Daisy stumbles upon the body of the missing parlor maid. As the dead woman's shocking...