Arthur, a young soldier, lost his memory following an explosion in Afghanistan. He had a brief recall as he watched windmills rising through the mist. He remembered his Don Quixote moment. In his flashback, he felt someone watching him, but saw no one. His physical recovery and partial memory recalls led him to Donegal in Ireland where he walked on a familiar beach. A young lady whose face seemed familiar approached Arthur as he walked on a beach in Derry Beg, a town in Donegal. Her father wasn't too pleased to find Arthur's surname was Cunningham. A rift had occurred in the past between Carrie's father and Arthur's dad. Arthur later found out why over lunch with Carrie. Jamie, Arthur's brother, had escaped death by lying and had several adventures before meeting his demise. His killer was an Indian that Jamie has previously met in a man's office, a man to whom he owed gambling debts. Arthur, meanwhile, continued searching for his past in Donegal and Coleraine, his birth town in Northern Ireland, where he met his aunt Violet. Visits to solicitors in Coleraine and Glasgow followed as, piece by piece, Arthur's memory returned. Arthur and Carrie fell in love and married and Arthur eventually regained his memory. However, his only contact with Jamie came when he identified a corpse as his brother.