Find internal peace,
external authenticity,
and universal harmony,
through the ancient paradoxical art of "doing nothing."
In order to find peace,
we must feel what we feel inside,
and express it outside.
This takes courage.
This takes a certain willingness.
The Will to Do Nothing is the will it takes
to slow down habitual momentum,
to feel what you feel,
to dissolve the cobwebs of past and future,
to release external attachment,
and connect to the Current,
before doing anything.
When you do nothing in this way,
all action becomes natural, effortless, and surprisingly effective.
Action becomes an expression of
creativity, of authenticity, of the present moment,
of the Universe, of the Tao, of God, or whatever you might like to call It.
Action happens through you like wind through tall grass.
This way of living is simple but not easy
because you must be willing to sacrifice one cherished possession:
the idea of control.
Your hand must be open to receive a gift.
Relinquish control,
open your hand,
and receive the gift of Right Now.
Charles Freligh obtained his PhD in clinical psychology and has years of experience working therapeutically with individuals and groups. His work is rooted in the healing impact of presence. In these pages, he combines understanding from psychology, philosophy, spirituality, and his own life, to explore a way of living that is real, that is internally at peace, that is externally authentic, that is fully alive, only Now.