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Earth-Based Religions Occult Paganism Religion Religion & Spirituality Spirituality Wicca WitchcraftThis is a necessary item on my desk filling in tidbits of wisdom and knowledge not ordinarly found in a calendar. There's a little witch in all of us, and it is nourishing soul food.
I really like this product because I can use it to record my normal daily routines AND keep track of moon phases, sun travel, and times to best do spell work. And, I confess, as disorganized as I am, with a poor short term memory, I have great fun in making a concerted effort to wear whatever the color of the day is.
This is a fantastic reference guide and unlike others, there is an entry for EVERY day of the year.
This is one of the best Witches' calendar books ever written. It is very informative, interesting, and beautifully illustrated. For the 2 reviewers who were disappointed because the book had more folklore than witchcraft, the cover clearly states: "Legend and Lore for Every Day of the Year" What did you think this meant?
Lots of info from around the world on various sabbats, written out on a daily basis. Some people don't like, her but usually those are the ones that are coveners, or only go by a "one way" belief. If you're open to "all" info on craft celebrations around the world then this is the book to get.