THE WHIMS OF WAR is an historical novel taking place in Philadelphia between 1775 and 1780. Unlike other accounts of this period, it tells the story of a family businessman drawn reluctantly into taking sides in the Revolutionary War. In the process it explores both conflicts among family members and friendships between ideological foes.
Don Sampen is an appellate attorney in Chicago who writes for a living. He has written many articles, book chapters, and briefs in court on non-fiction topics. The WHIMS OF WAR is his debut novel of American historical fiction. Two considerations inspired Don to write the novel. One was an interest he developed to write the kind of historical novel he would want to read. The writing turned out to be a labor of love. He is convinced, moreover, that others will enjoy the final product as well. As a second reason, Don wanted to present a not-so-simple picture of the American Revolution, an event of huge historical significance that many people take for granted. He tells the story from the perspective of a business and family man, in a city, Philadelphia, whose citizens were conflicted over the prospect of independence.