Step into the chilling world of Algernon Blackwood's classic horror masterpiece, The Wendigo. This newly republished paperback edition invites you to experience an unforgettable journey into the heart of the Canadian wilderness, where a terrifying legend lurks beneath the shadows...
The Wendigo is among Algernon Blackwood's best-known horror stories. He was a master of atmosphere and this one will creep you out. Read it with the lights on This large print edition is prepared with easy-to-read 20 point type.
Algernon Blackwood's classic novella of supernatural terror. A hunting party in the Canadian wilderness is confronted by the horror of the Wendigo, the monster of Algonquian folk legend. H.P. Lovecraft stated that in the story, "we are confronted by horrible evidences of a vast...
The Wendigo is an influential horror novella by Algernon Blackwood, which was first published in a collected fiction book called The Lost Valley and Other Stories, in 1910. The story follows a doctor, his nephew and their party on a moose hunting trip into the deepest wilderness...
In Algonquian folklore, the wendigo is a cannibal monster or evil spirit native to the northern forests of the Atlantic Coast and Great Lakes Region of both the United States and Canada/ Manitoba. The wendigo may appear as a monster with some characteristics...
This thrilling story is based on Blackwood's experience's hunting in the backwoods of Canada. A group of men deep in the Northern wilderness are visited by a terrifying creature from Native American legend... Algernon Blackwood (1869-1951) was an English short story writer and...
Es sabido que el Wendigo es un esp ritu que prefiere habitar lugares solitarios, por ello suele esconderse en bosques, lo cual le permite acechar silenciosamente a su presa, nunca esta a la vista y espera el momento indicado para abalanzarse sobre ella.
Es sabido que el Wendigo es un esp ritu que prefiere habitar lugares solitarios, por ello suele esconderse en bosques, lo cual le permite acechar silenciosamente a su presa, nunca esta a la vista y espera el momento indicado para abalanzarse sobre ella.
The story is set in the Canadian wilderness. A hunting party separates to track moose, and one member is abducted by the Wendigo of legend. Robert Aickman regarded this as "one of the (possibly) six great masterpieces in the field".
Yet, ever at the back of his thoughts, lay that other aspect of the wilderness: the indifference to human life, the merciless spirit of desolation which took no note of man... "His stories are of things unearthly and of beings and events impossible, but he writes of them with...
The Wendigo is a novella by Algernon Blackwood, first published in The Lost Valley and Other Stories. In the wilderness in Northwestern Ontario, two Scotsmen are on a moose-hunting trip with guides Hank Davis and the wilderness-loving French "Canuck," Joseph D fago...
Algernon Henry Blackwood, (1869 -1951) was an English writer of supernatural fiction. Blackwood was also a journalist and a broadcasting narrator. Blackwood had a varied career, farming in Canada, operating a hotel, a newspaper reporter in New York, and essayist for various periodicals...
The Wendigo by Algernon Blackwood. In the wilderness north of Rat Portage in Northwestern Ontario, two Scotsmen - divinity student Simpson and his uncle, Dr. Cathcart, an author of a book on collective hallucination - are on a moose-hunting trip with guides Hank Davis and the...
A classic tale of horror set against the backdrop of a hunting trip in the Canadian wilderness. Algernon Blackwood deftly and subtly pits his human characters against the immensity of nature. Algernon Blackwood (1869-1951) was a masterful teller of supernatural tales, and his...