Lewis Little is a thirteen-year-old boy spending the summer in Paris with his mother, Alice, who is translating the latest medieval romance by Valentina Gavrilovich, the best-selling novelist and exotic Russian emigree. But from the moment Valentina, golden-skinned and exquisitely...
Teenagedrengen Lewis Little er sammen med sin mor, Alice, rejst fra England til Paris, hvor Alice skal overs tte succesforfatterinden Valentina Gavrils seneste romantiske bestseller, mens Lewis skal forbedre sit franske. Han forelsker sig hovedkulds i den blonde, frodige Valentina,...
This is the summer that Lewis Little, precocious thirteen-year-old, is spending in Paris with his mother, Alice. Alice is translating the latest medieval romance by Valentina Gavrilovich, the bestselling and exotic Russian migr , Lewis is there to make his first acquaintance...