"Now what am I going to do?" is a question many people ask--and leave unanswered--at critical potential turning points in their careers. Perhaps you're a new graduate, but instead of lining up for a boring entry-level job at a big corporation, you wish you could start your own sustainable and responsible business. Or maybe you've been stuck in a job you hate for a few years, but you still dream of doing the thing you love and that you're actually...
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HistoryBought Dave's book after reading an interview with him in Ode... I have not just read this book, I am putting the principles he outlines into action and its working! Oh yes, this is a PRACTICLE book - you must put words into action (I mean this is always the case) but really! It is the BEST book I have read on finding work as an entrepreneur (although I don't really class myself as one those) it really doesn't matter - if...
A guide to finding where your gifts, passions and purpose interact. I could not put this book down. Just when I thought I had heard a lot of this before, Pollard would come up with the twist that really made sense. He is a skilled writer, who pulls a lot out of the reader. So much in this little book (195pp) For example we all too often find work due to our gifts, rarely do we share the passion of our hobbies at work and...
Any library strong in business books will find this a key acquisition, coming from an author whose career is serving as an advisor to entrepreneurs, studying those successful at starting and building 'natural enterprises'. Responsible, sustainable and joyful work is where passions and purpose blend, and FINDING THE SWEET SPOT tells how to find such work, offering six steps to finding the right partners and acting responsibly...
Dave's apt examples, depth, wide-ranging background and an ability to embody his message enables him to resonate with readers who do not think they would, to quote a colleague, "like that sort of soft and squishy approach to work." Yet, inevitably, when I suggest Finding the Sweet Spot to entrepreneurs or the would-be ones. those who actually read it start referring to it when discussing their ideas to grow their business...
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