I only became familiar with Gogol through references in the work of Philip Roth. After all, great writers should give their due to their predecessors. Five of Gogol's most celebrated short stories are included in this collection. While I can only classify myself as a fan of three of these stories, this collection is still worth purchasing. "The Diary of a Madman" harkens Kafka-esque images of man versus isolation and...
I translated the title story and two others in this collection for my students because none of the existing translations did Gogol justice--they ignored his sound play and sometimes simply altered or even eliminated things that didn't make sense. Gogol's stories are weird and hilarious--I tried to preserve the elements of language that make them brilliant.
I have read 3 translations of this story and I like them all for different reasons. The story is very readable and has interesting interpretations on several levels. All the friends I recommended the story to loved it.