The second volume in Larry McMurtry's four-part historical epic featuring the Berrybender family as they continue their journey through the West during the 1830s. In The Wandering Hill, Larry McMurtry continues the story of Tasmin Berrybender and her eccentric...
In The Wandering Hill, Larry McMurtry continues the story of Tasmin Berrybender and her family in the still unexplored Wild West of the 1830s, at the point in time when the Mountain Men and trappers like Jim Bridger and Kit Carson (both lively characters in the book), though...
The second volume in Larry McMurtry's four-part historical epic featuring the Berrybender family as they continue their journey through the West during the 1830s. In The Wandering Hill, Larry McMurtry continues the story of Tasmin Berrybender and her eccentric family in the still...
A New York Times Bestseller The Wandering Hill is the continuing story of Tasmin Berrybender and her family in the unexplored Wild West of the 1830s, at the point in time when men like Jim Bridger and Kit Carson though still alive, are already legends, and the journey...