Before Ragnis Crystal and before Isolde snuck into Cendis as a slave, there were two queens trying to move towards peace behind their husband's back. Both childless, they desperately want children, despite years of trying.
Fjola Astvinsson, queen of Avala is married to a madman intent on breaking the truce and destroying Cendis. Sartika, queen of Cendis, thinks her husband will eventually see reason and join the faction. The Autrikxians watching the queens and the factions decide to get involved again, despite swearing to never meddle with humans again.
Fjola and Sartika finally get their child after their husbands mysteriously die. Sartika thinks Elan is sent from the gods and Fjola thinks Isolde is her secret lover's child. They know their children have gifts of fire and ice, like the old Cendians and Avalians. They promise their children will have normal childhoods until they can face their destiny and arrange a marriage between Elan and Isolde to seal the alliance.
Elan and Isolde start showing gifts their people never had. Gifts that start a web of lies on both sides. As the web of lies starts growing and growing, the fragile alliance may crumble. Isolde doesn't react well to the lies and acts out every chance she gets. First, they worried Elan and Isolde might not like each other.
Now, they have to worry that their lies will keep Isolde from going to Cendis in the first place. The Waljan Crucible. An exciting prequel to Child of Fire, Child of Ice
The Waljan Chronicles