The Voyage Of The Aurora is a historical adventure novel written by H. Collingwood and originally published in 1885. The story follows the journey of a young sailor named Jack Russell, who sets out on a perilous voyage aboard the ship Aurora. The ship is on a mission to explore...
"The Voyage of the Aurora" from Harry Collingwood. An author of nautical and piratical fiction (1851-1922).
The Voyage of the Aurora is a historical adventure novel written by H. Collingwood and published in 1885. The story follows the journey of a group of British sailors aboard the Aurora, a ship that sets sail from England to explore the Arctic. The crew faces numerous challenges...
Reproduction of the original: The Voyage of the Aurora by Harry Collingwood
Reproduction of the original: The Voyage of the Aurora by Harry Collingwood
The Voyage of the Aurora