This edition of H.P.B.'s "Voice of the Silence" is a reproduction of the 1889 edition published by William Q. Judge, to which verse numbers have been added. Romanized Sanskrit terms have been updated to modern IAST standards, except for three deviations meant to aid in proper...
Helena Blavatsky's translations of three fragments of ancient Buddhist wisdom, sourced from texts such as The Book of Golden Precepts, are contained in this thought-provoking volume.
A valiantly sought collection of sage advice and spiritual instruction, The Voice...
A facsimile reprint of the 1889 edition exactly the way Blavatsky wrote it, laying out the path of spiritual development. Includes an index and introduction by Boris de Zirkoff.
"Antes que a Alma possa ver, deve ser conseguida a harmonia interior, e os olhos da carne tornados cegos a toda a ilus o. Antes que a Alma possa ouvir, a imagem (o homem) tem de se tornar surda aos rugi-dos como aos segredos, aos gritos dos elefantes em f ria como ao sussurro...
This edition of H.P.B.'s "Voice of the Silence" is a reproduction of the 1889 edition published by William Q. Judge, to which verse numbers have been added. Romanized Sanskrit terms have been updated to modern IAST standards, except for three deviations meant to aid in proper...
Considerada uma das obras-primas da literatura m?stica mundial e, por muitos, uma prosa em verso, cheia de inspira??o espiritual, A Voz do Sil?ncio toca-nos, n?o pela exposi??o de fatos reunidos de livros, mas por ser um apelo aos sentidos mais divinos de nossa natureza. Em si,...
This edition of H.P.B.'s "Voice of the Silence" is a reproduction of the 1889 edition published by William Q. Judge, to which verse numbers have been added. Romanized Sanskrit terms have been updated to modern IAST standards, except for three deviations meant to aid in proper...
Helena Blavatsky's translations of three fragments of ancient Buddhist wisdom, sourced from texts such as The Book of Golden Precepts, are contained in this thought-provoking volume. A valiantly sought collection of sage advice and spiritual instruction, The Voice of the Silence...
Le Livre des Pr ceptes d'Or est l'un des ouvrages r serv s aux tudiants en mysticisme dans certains monast res bouddhistes. La Voix du Silence rassemble des extraits des Pr ceptes d'Or, traduits par H.P.B. elle-m me et d di s - selon ses propres termes...