Rick Joyner's book, The Vision, will challenge you. Beyond challenging you, the Spirit of God will grab you, take your breath, shake you up, and squeeze tears from your eyes that have needed shed for years. Take your box of comfort and burn it. It is time to get real and reverently fearful of our Lord, Jesus and walk with Him like we really mean it. bond servant, ...
When Jesus walked on the earth, very few people grasped what it was he tried to say, and those that did grasp only caught on to it a little bit. Even today, the enemy has done a great job of keeping us from seeing what God really was saying. The message in this book, from start to finish, totally uproots the false idea of God that the church has blindly accepted. Once you've read it, and hopefully caught on to what it was...
This is a great book on what is happening in Heaven, with angels, with Christians in Heaven, and with the Redeemed on earth, and with God Himself. Rick Joyner's vision, whether real or analogy, will help you find hope and understanding about what God is doing "behind the scenes" and where the Church on earth is(spiritually speaking). You'll gain insights into the effects of sin in your own life on yourself, others, and your...
The two books are really written with the second being the logical sequel to the first, so don't think this is just two different books. Fascinating. Intricate. Will give you plenty of motivation to assess where you are, spiritually.
The vivid picture that Rick Joyner begins painting on the first page of this wonderful allegorical work, is still as colorful and fresh at this moment, as it was when I first opened the book and began reading. In "The Vision: The Final Quest, and the Call", The first page caught my full attention and captivated every moment that was available, until I had finished it. This book is a must read for all who are in pursuit of...