Roumania, Japan, Serbia, Lithuania, Africa, Portugal, and Russia are among the sources of these 35 stories that tell of a haunted forest, chests of gold coins, a magical dog, and a man who outwits a dragon. Perhaps the best English versions available of these classic stories...
Title: The Violet Fairy Book Binding: Paperback Author: AndrewLang Publisher: DoverPublications
Volume 7 of Andrew Lang's classic Fairy Books Series (also known as the Fairy Books of Many Colors series), collecting treasured and beloved stories from around the world. This volume features the following tales:A Tale Of The Tontlawald, The Finest Liar In The World, The Story...
Originally published in 1901, The Violet Fairy Book is a compilation of international fables from various locales including Japan, Romania, Portugal, Lithuania, Serbia and Africa. Andrew Lang delivers a comprehensive collection of some of the most beloved tales...
The Fairy Books, or "Coloured" Fairy Books is a collection of fairy tales divided into twelve books, each associated with a different colour. Collected together by Andrew Land they are sourced from a number of different countries and were translated by Lang's wife and other translators...
Originally published in 1901, The Violet Fairy Book is a compilation of international fables from various locales including Japan, Romania, Portugal, Lithuania, Serbia and Africa. Andrew Lang delivers a comprehensive collection of some of the most beloved tales...
This is a new collection of Fairy stories in continuation of the series which "The Blue Fairy Book" was the initial volume. Romania, Japan, Serbia, Lithuania, Africa, Portugal, and Russia are among the sources of these 35 stories that tell of a haunted forest, chests...
Unlike some other reproductions of classic texts (1) We have not used OCR(Optical Character Recognition), as this leads to bad quality books with introduced typos. (2) In books where there are images such as portraits, maps, sketches etc We have endeavoured to keep the quality...
The Langs' Fairy Books are a series of 25 collections of true and fictional stories for children published between 1889 and 1913 by Andrew Lang and his wife, Leonora Blanche Alleyne. The best known books of the series are the 12 collections of fairy tales also known as Andrew...
Roumania, Japan, Serbia, Lithuania, Africa, Portugal, and Russia are among the sources of these 35 stories that tell of a haunted forest, chests of gold coins, a magical dog, and a man who outwits a dragon. Perhaps the best English versions available of these classic stories...
'The Violet Fairy Book - Illustrated by H. J. Ford' forms part of Andrew Lang's 'Coloured' Fairy Books series -- a series of twelve collections of fairy tales, published between 1889 and 1910. Each volume is distinguished by its own colour, and all in all, 437 tales from a wide...
Roumania, Japan, Serbia, Lithuania, Africa, Portugal, and Russia are among the sources of these 35 stories that tell of a haunted forest, chests of gold coins, a magical dog, and a man who outwits a dragon. Perhaps the best English versions available of these classic stories...
A collection of several short fairy tales by the noted Scottish poet, novelist, literary critic, and anthropologist Andrew Lang. These tales are first English translations of fairy tales from many different languages. This volume was published in a colour-coded manner with violet...