In the bustling streets of New York, Max, an unassuming valet attendant, finds himself thrust into the dangerous world of espionage and vendettas when he discovers he's a doppelganger for Agent Brickwall, a former CIA operative. As the story unfolds, Max becomes entangled in a deadly game of cat and mouse with The Chief, a cunning adversary determined to take down Agent Brickwall at any cost.
The Chief's relentless pursuit of Brickwall mistakenly leads him to Max, forcing the two unlikely allies to navigate a perilous web of intrigue and deceit. As they unravel the tangled threads of the Chief's nefarious plans, they realize that the stakes are higher than ever, with both their lives on the line.
With no choice but to embrace the high-stakes world of international espionage, Max and Brickwall embark on a harrowing chase across the globe. Their journey takes them from the concrete jungle of New York to the ancient streets of Rome, where they confront a nefarious network of enemies with ties to the Chief.
As the clock ticks down, the unlikely duo must work together to stay one step ahead of the Chief and his ruthless henchmen. With time running out, Max and Brickwall race to expose the Chief's sinister plot, all while dodging danger and deception at every turn.
In "New York To Rome," readers will find a pulse-pounding tale of adventure, intrigue, and suspense that follows two unlikely heroes caught up in a whirlwind of danger and deception. With its fast-paced narrative and richly drawn characters, this thrilling story will leave readers on the edge of their seats until the very last page.