Having staked his claim as a master of epic fantasy with" The Ring of Five Dragons," Eric Van Lustbader now returns to his world of Kundala to unearth new riches of wonder and excitement in this second volume of The Pearl saga. With the help of her friends, Riane, the prophesied...
Having staked his claim as a master of epic fantasy with" The Ring of Five Dragons," Eric Van Lustbader now returns to his world of Kundala to unearth new riches of wonder and excitement in this second volume of The Pearl saga. With the help of her friends, Riane, the prophesied...
Having staked his claim as a master of epic fantasy with The Ring of Five Dragons , Eric Van Lustbader now returns to his world of Kundala to unearth new riches of wonder and excitement in this second volume of The Pearl Saga. With the help of her friends, Riane, the prophesied...
Having staked his claim as a master of epic fantasy with The Ring of Five Dragons, Eric Van Lustbader now returns to his world of Kundala to unearth new riches of wonder and excitement in this second volume of The Pearl saga.