John William Polidori's classic gothic horror tale, The Vampyre, recounts one of the first vampire stories in English literature. Lord Ruthven is a mysterious newcomer among England's social elite. A young gentleman named Aubrey is fascinated by the suave...
The original tale of romance and horror which fathered the entire genre of modern vampire fiction. When a young man encounters the seductive and mysterious Lord Ruthven, both his life and those of his loved ones may never again be the same. Who is this magnetic Lord Ruthven?...
Closely associated with the Romantic movement, John William Polidori is considered by many to be the creator of vampire fiction. His 1819 short story, 'The Vampyre', is widely accepted as the first vampire story ever written. Many of the earliest and most interesting vampire...
El vampiro es considerado un relato cl sico del g nero g tico y de terror. Fue publicado en principio an nimamente, logrando el aplauso del p blico tras cierto esc ndalo originado por la adjudicaci n de su autor a. En este relato, la figura del vampiro recoge algunos rasgos del...
The Vampyre is a short work of prose fiction written in 1819 by John William Polidori. The work is often viewed as the progenitor of the romantic vampire genre of fantasy fiction. The work is described by Christopher Frayling as "the first story successfully to fuse the disparate...
In John William Polidori's ''The Vampyre, '' two men decide to travel together in Europe. On their journey, one of the men notices that his companion has troubling habits including one which is deadly. This the vampyre story was published in 1819 decades before...
The weather went from being beautiful to tempestuous: torrential thunderstorms plagued the Shelleys, Byron and Polidori. The weather -- along with the company and the eerie ambiance of the locale -- contributed to the genesis of Frankenstein, Polidori's "The...
"The Vampyre" was first published on 1 April 1819 by Henry Colburn in the New Monthly Magazine with the false attribution "A Tale by Lord Byron". The name of the work's protagonist, "Lord Ruthven", added to this assumption, for that name was originally used in Lady Caroline Lamb's...
A new, annotated edition of three of the nineteenth century's best horror stories: The Vampyre: A Tale by John William Polidori, 1819Carmilla by J. Sheridan Le Fanu, 1872Olalla by Robert Louis Stevenson, 1885Includes a brief description of each author and...
The book has no illustrations or index. Purchasers are entitled to a free trial membership in the General Books Club where they can select from more than a million books without charge. Subjects: Vampires;
In the early 1800s, young British aristocrat Aubrey travels through Italy and Greece in the company of the mercurial and fantastic Lord Ruthven. Later, he believes his friend to have been mysteriously slain. But when Ruthven returns from the dead to prey on his sister, he realizes...
El Vampiro. John William Polidori (1795-1821) Con 16 a
When Aubrey, a young Englishman, meets a mysterious man from London high society, Lord Ruthven, they become unlikely friends. Shortly after, Aubrey decides to accompany the noble on a trip to Rome. However, when a moral disagreement arises between the two, Aubrey decides to...
The Vampyre: A Tale is a Gothic horror novella written by John William Polidori and first published in 1819. The story is based on a fragment of a story written by Lord Byron during a stay at Lake Geneva in 1816, which Polidori expanded and completed. The novella tells the story...
This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely...
The Vampire is a short work of vampire fiction written in 1819 by John William Polidori. The work is often viewed as the progenitor of the romantic vampire genre of fantasy fiction. The work is described by Christopher Frayling as "the first story successfully to fuse the disparate...
Cette nouvelle popularisa le th me du vampire dans le monde. Un riche orphelin anglais, Aubrey, rencontre l' nigmatique Lord Ruthven, homme la beaut froide. Voyageant ses c t s Rome, li d couvre son vice contagieux, son caract re profond ment d prav et ses talents...