In the tradition of Ray Bradbury's Something Wicked This Way Comes, and Stephen King's Salem's Lot, the nightmare continues for the new vampire's assistant in the popular Saga of Darren Shan. Darren Shan was just an ordinary schoolboy until his visit...
In the compelling sequel to Cirque Du Freak, soon to be a major motion picture by Warner Bros., The Vampire's Assistant continues the saga of Darren Shan as he resists the one temptation that sickens him . . . the one thing that can keep him alive.
In the compelling sequel to Cirque Du Freak, soon to be a major motion picture by Warner Bros., The Vampire's Assistant continues the saga of Darren Shan as he resists the one temptation that sickens him . . . the one thing that can keep him alive.
As a vampire?s assistant, Darren struggles to resist the one temptation that sickens him?the one thing that can keep him alive. Includes a book preview, book descriptions and an author profile.
In The Vampire's Assistant, Darren returns to the old-fashioned freak show where, thanks to Mr. Crespley, he became a "half-vampire." Darren once again struggles against the urge to feed upon the human blood his health requires. Darren Shan was born in London but at an early...